Monthly Archives: November 2010

Sunday Surf for week of November 14

Anniversary Giveaway: CaughtREDhanded Jewelry Only one entry so far so your chances of winning are high!

Brains vs. Batteries over at Momlogic

Green Gift Monday is the New Black Friday over at Treehugger

Breastfeeding a Toddlby: the Myths and the Reality and Looking Forward over at Grumbles and Grunts

 Social Media vs. SEO: My Approach over at Problogger

As I Lay Her Down to Sleep and I Heart My Perineum over at Inexplicable Ways

Oxytocin More than Mere ‘Love Hormone’ over at WebMD

What Do You Think of Instant Rice? over at The World’s Healthiest Foods

The Emotional Age Issue over at Answers in Genesis

Top 10 Movie Plot Holes You Probably Never Noticed Before over at Geekdad

Braiding Native American Heritage Month with Thanksgiving: A Native American Mother’s Perspective  over at  All Things Mothering

God Lovingly Pursues Us When We Fail: Peter…Again over at My Journey to Lean

CSA Green Tomatoes and Bell Peppers

This past week we received a lot of green tomatoes and bell peppers from our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). So I got busy looking for ways to use up our abundance. I just started using Zip List for compiling my weekly grocery list and used it to find most of my recipes this week. Here’s what’s been on the menu this week:

Balsamic Portobello Burgers with Bell Pepper and Goat Cheese

Image via Martha Stewart

 These were not a hit with the husband or the baby girl. To be fair, I’m pretty sure I messed up the recipe. In fact, I know I did. Here is what I did differently from the recipe. First I used provolone instead of goat cheese. I did this for two reasons. The first was my husband hates goat cheese (a pretty good reason I think) and the second is that goat cheese is expensive! I got 3 pieces of provolone from the deli counter for 63 cents. No way could I get goat cheese for that. I also did not grill these as it’s November and kind of chilly out. I used a grill pan instead. I had the brilliant (or not as I found out) idea to pour the remaining marinade in the grill pan. All that did was produce a whole lot of smoke which, in turn, made the Portobello’s taste very smoky. I also used a green bell pepper instead of a red since that is what I have the most of. My poor meat loving husband also was very disappointed when I found out that when I said Portobello burger I didn’t mean a Portobello on top of a hamburger. I think this was doomed to failure from the beginning. Sigh.

I served the above with Bell Pepper Slaw. This recipe had some potential. I used a food processor for the cabbage and used the wrong attachment so instead of “thinly sliced and rougly chopped” it was finely chopped. This made it too soggy. I used a dash of ground mustard instead of the mustard seeds and celery salt instead of celery seeds. I thought these two substitutions were fine. I actually think the ground mustard gave it a nice kick. I didn’t measure either of these…just a couple dashs of ground mustard and I just guessed one what would be a good amount of celery salt. I love celery salt in cole slaw so I figured I couldn’t go wrong on that. As I mentioned before, I did not have red bell pepper so I substituted green but did have the orange and yellow. I would be willing to try this again and would either hand chop the slaw or actually use the slicing attachment!

The next dish I tried was Unstuffed Bell Pepper Skillet. Marcella (my daughter) loved this. My husband and I were happy with it, too. It can be made ahead and frozen, too so.  It wasn’t anything amazing but for an easy, inexpensive weeknight dinner, it fits the bill.

Spanish Tortilla with Bell Pepper Image via Martha Stewart


Tonight I made Spanish Tortilla with Bell Pepper. We enjoyed this but felt it needed a little more flavor. The 1/2 teaspoon of hot pepper sauce (I used Tabasco) wasn’t even noticeable. I will say we like things spicy though in our household, baby girl included. :) I definitely want to make this again but I’d kick up the spice factor for sure.

I saved the best for last. This morning I made some Green Tomato Bread. It was phenomenal! Seriously. I am going to make more and freeze it. SO so good! It is like a spice bread, super moist with a nice crunchiness on the outside. Delicious!

I also plan on making Spaghetti with Green Tomato Bacon Sauce for dinner tomorrow night.

Miscarriage: My Story (Part 1)

On October 12, 2006 at 7:10 pm I wrote in my online journal

 “We lost our baby. :(”

No one ever wants to have to write that. No one ever wants to lose their baby but yet it happens all the time to people all around you. You most likely don’t even know. It isn’t something most people share or talk about. But it’s real and sad and scary…and absolutely devastating.

I want to take the time to tell you my story. I feel it’s important to share, to remember and to bring awareness to miscarriage. I write this to let others who have been through this know you aren’t alone. There are many of us out there who share your grief, your sorrow, your loss. It is painful to relive it, but it is also important for me to remember. My child was a real human being even if he never lived outside my womb and we love and miss him every single day.

I kept an online friends only journal at the time so I have a record of all that occurred and my thoughts and feelings as all of the events were taking place. It’s a very raw, unedited account. I will be pulling out excerpts from it but mostly retelling the story now, 4 years later. I will be doing it in parts just because it is a long story.

Everything started just fine, just like any other pregnancy I suppose. After two months of trying, we were pregnant! I had morning sickness, exhaustion, all normal stuff. I had seen my midwife and things were going along normally until September of 2006. I had some spotting, just barely. Still, we were concerned enough I called the midwife. She suggested an ultrasound so we went on September 11, saw our baby, heard the heartbeat and were on cloud nine! The baby was measuring right on schedule but it looked as though I had placenta previa and that is what I was told probably caused the spotting. Still, this was not a big deal. It was the first trimester and I was told most likely the placenta would move by the second trimester.

Fast forward to October 11. More spotting (still very little though) and cramping. This had been going on for a couple of days. I remember being at my cousin’s visiting her new baby. I mentioned the spotting and cramping and my cousin, aunt and mom thought I really should call the midwife. I honestly wasn’t too concerned but thought I would just to be on the safe side. I came home that night and called her, feeling kind of badly that I was bothering her for nothing most likely. She had me take a warm bath and some calcium pills and said to call her if that didn’t stop the cramping. It didn’t. We scheduled another ultrasound. Really, I just thought it would be neat to see the baby again. I never was even worried that something was wrong.

Here is an excerpt from my journal written on October 13:

“So they did the ultrasound Thursday afternoon [October 12] and Josh [my husband] thought the baby looked really small for me being at 12 weeks so he asked the doctor what the baby was measuring at. When he said around 8 weeks we knew something was wrong. We told him that was what I was measuring a month ago when I came in. … the baby was measuring [8 weeks, 3 days] when it should have been measuring [12 weeks, 4 days]. There was no activity, no tiny white heartbeat and when he turned on the sound there was nothing.”

Nothing could have prepared me for that moment. What mother thinks she will lose her baby? What mother expects that? I knew though. I knew when I saw our baby measuring what it was a month ago. How could you not know really at that point. Strangely I kept hoping the Dr. was going to tell me it was a mistake, that I was wrong but I knew. I knew.

We were broken, completely broken. There is no other way to describe it.

I had planned on a natural birth so that is the way I wanted to miscarry as well. Our midwife had told us the options, told us to think about how we wanted to proceed and let her know. I already knew what I wanted before she had even told me the options. But what we want is not always what we get. I had a very long road ahead of me.

Here is an excerpt from the email we sent to friends and family:

“Thank you for your prayers and calls. We can definitely feel them and are thankful. We have peace about this but of course we are still incredibly sad. We named the baby Shannon since that could be used for a girl or boy.

Tonight we went to a ceremony in Simpsonville for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day which is October 15th. On September 28th of this year a house resolution was passed by the house of representatives to make October 15th officially Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. It was a candle lighting ceremony and was very healing and we were both glad we went. (My parents went with us also.) It was good to talk to and listen to other people who had been through the same thing even if I didn’t say much.

Shannon's Tree

Our biggest request right now is that I would pass the baby soon and while I am at home and not at work. We chose to have a natural miscarriage rather

than a D&C. I know that physically the miscarriage will be a lot more painful (I am told I will have contractions and it will be similar to labor) but emotionally the D&C would be a lot harder on me right now. If, at a later

time, it is necessary because I don’t pass everything, then I am willing to do it, but since my body is already in the process, I would like to give it time to do what it is supposed to do. I started having contractions today but then they stopped. The waiting is a little frustrating but I am willing to be patient.

We plan on planting a tree in my parents yard that will bloom in late April when the baby would have been due. We want a way to acknowledge the fact that this baby was real and we felt this was a special way to remember it, and watching the tree bloom and grow every year will be a reminder of our baby growing up.”

Read Part 2


Anniversary Giveaway- CaughtREDhanded Jewelry!

I’m SUPER excited about our second ever giveaway on A Little Bit of All of It in honor of my first full year of blogging! CaughtREDhanded is giving away one of their pieces to one of my readers! CaughtREDhanded is handmade original art trapped under glass. The brand carries pendants, earrings, bracelets, belt buckles, rings and does custom work as well. I asked owner, Amy Galon, some questions and I’ve shared them below. To enter the giveaway, follow the instructions at the end of the post.

What do you love most about the jewelry you make?

I love that it is original, handmade in the USA by a stay-at-home mom! You can not find another piece of jewelry out there just like ours–it is like a little stamp of myself that I get to put on the world.

Luna Garden from the Pebble Collection

What’s your favorite piece?

That is hard. I guess, right now, I am favoring our new Pebble line (I love NEW!). If I had to pick a favorite piece I would have to say Luna Garden.

What’s a typical day like for you at CaughtREDhanded?

Ha! There is no typical day when you run your own business, chase after a bebe, and take care of a home! But, this is the way a typical day “should” go:

Pack up any orders ready to ship in the morning and start any new orders.
Go to the Post Office.
Finish making orders, call customers, follow up on leads etc. in the afternoon.
I keep on working (making, taking pictures, emailing, packaging, ordering, customer follow-ups, etc.) through late afternoon.
After dinner I set all the jewelry made in glass.
Depending on how busy I am that week, at night my husband comes to help me pack up jewelry or we get to watch a little TV together before we pass out. :)

Eden Pendant and Earring Set

You recently created an earring line and a bracelet line. Tell us about those.

They are my favorite new collections (I told you I like new;)). I wanted to expand our line past just our staple pendant line.

What do you love about selling on Etsy?

The exposure. Etsy is where it all started and without it, I would not have been able to stay at home with my son, Sebastian, and pursue a passion that I love. I am truly blessed and Etsy was a major catalyst in this dream of mine.

Do you have a fellow Etsy artist that you buy from over and over again?

Oh yes! I have some favorites for sure!
Cori Dantini–she did some design work for us and I order Christmas ornaments and customer work from her ALL the time. She is fantastic!

I often buy cards from another favorite artist Irene Suchocki. Her photography is amazing.

My husband, Jim, orders from Man Cave consistently as well. I bought him a shave set from their shop last year and he loved it so much he consistently buys refills.

These are just a few of my favorites that I order from but there are sooooo many more I could mention!

How to Enter

There are 5 ways to enter. You can do 1, a couple or all of them. Obviously the more you do, the better your chances of winning are. I’ll draw a winner randomly using on December 1st!

Gypsy Love Waist Candy

  1. Post a comment and let me know your favorite post here on the blog and why.
  2. Go to CaughtREDhanded’s Etsy store and come back and leave a comment with the name of your favorite piece.
  3. Post a picture on CaughtREDhanded’s Facebook page wearing a CRH piece and come back and leave a comment here that you did with your FB name.
  4. Become a fan of CaughtREDhanded on Facebook and leave a comment here that you did with your FB name.
  5. Subscribe to this blog and leave a comment here that you did. (To subscribe, see the top righthand corner of the blog.)

Happy 1st Anniversary! A Look Over the Last Year

November 15, 2009 was the very first post here at A Little Bit of All of It and we’ve had 71 posts since then (if you count this one). It’s been a fun year for me here at the blog. Some months I didn’t have much to say (like September, no posts that month) and some I blogged away (like October where I had the most posts at 14).

Here are some stats from the past year:

Most frequenter commenter: Rachael

Post with highest number of views: My First Green Smoothie

Post with the most comments: Waterbirth

Blog with the highest number of referrals to this site: My Journey to Lean

Blog that had the highest number of referrals from this site: Cella’s Sweets

Busiest day: June 8, 2010 with 108 hits

Busiest month: November 2009

So, whether you’ve been here since the beginning or just started reading recently, THANKS! And, to prove I’m thankful, I have something I’m very excited about! At 2pm EST today, come check out the blog. I’ll be having a 1st anniversary giveaway that I know you’re all going to be just as excited about!

Alba Mint and Aloe Shaving Foam: Product Review

image via Amazon

I wanted to try a less toxic product for shaving but finding a foam, which is my preference, is hard to find. I finally came across Alba’s Mint and Aloe Shaving Foam. Although not as thick as a conventional shaving foam, it is still a foam and not a lotion. I just have to use more of this than I was use to with my conventional product. That part took some getting used to but once I figured out how much to use, it wasn’t an issue.

The description from the website says:

“Aerosol-free to help protect our environment. Formulated with organic botanicals and vitamin E to gently soothe the skin, plus organic aloe vera for a smooth, clean finish. Featuring a patented, aerosol-free, foaming technology that delivers a silky, lubricating foam to soften hair for effortless razor glide and prevent troublesome razor clogs.”

I love the scent. With conventional types, I always had to use unscented for sensitive skin which was kind of boring but this scent is hypoallergenic so I could go for a fun scent! Yay! (I will say that the fragrance probably makes this not as toxin-free as an unscented version. It is not listed in Skin Deep’s Database but that would just be my assumption.) It is very light and subtle but it is still there. The mint and aloe also feel very cooling and refreshing afterwards so instead of my skin feeling like it’s burning (once again, I have sensitive skin), it feels really nice. I really never imagined that my skin could actually not feel like it was burning afterwards. What a nice change it has been! It honestly makes me wonder if it is related to the chemicals in the products I was using before possibly being the reason for it.

All in all, I really like this product. I actually have Alba’s Mango Vanilla Shaving Foam to try when this runs out because I was so happy with this product.

Sunday Surf for week of November 7

I’ve got lots of good stuff in this week’s Sunday Surf. Enjoy!

Attachment to an Open Mind and A Tale of Two Chickens, as well as Guest Post–What is Wrong with Ms. Jong? over at Mama Eve

Nighttime Parenting over at API Speaks

More Support for Co-sleeping over at Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly with God

For a Friend over at Momopoly

Emotional Structure for Terrific Toddlers over at Heartwise Parenting

A Dad’s Opinion on Breastfeeding over at Natural Parents Network

Window Farming: A Do-It-Yourself Veggie Venture over at NPR

The Epidural Trip over at Midwifery Today

My Baby is Sick – Should I Continue to Breastfeed? and Breastfeeding Past Infancy: Fact Sheet over at Kellymom

Flour, Oil and God’s Grace over at My Thoughts

Fresh Start for a New Year? Let’s Begin in the Kitchen and Thanksgiving Sides Show of Raw Vegetables over at The Minimalist, NY Times

I’m a Mama…Naturally over at Ella-Bean & Co.

I Finally Made a Gingerbread House. It Only Took Me ALL MY LIFE (plus a Christmassy playlist) over at The Gluttonous Vegan

A Tale of Two Herds over at The Guardian

A Letter to Mommies and Daddies About Sleep over at The Leaky B@@b

Women Speak Out About What’s Gone Wrong with the United States Birthing System over at The Huffington Post

Vanity Fair: Book Review

First I watched the 1998 mini-series of Vanity Fair…and I loved it. Next I watched the movie with Reese Witherspoon…and found it to be abysmal in comparison. Luckily the first was so good, it made me want to read the book.

Becky Sharp from 98 mini series via

Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray is a wonderful read. I found the characters to be very true to life. These were like people I knew. Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley are the 2 main characters although, as the narrator likes to point out throughout the book, there are no heros or heroines in this story. I loved Amelia and hated Becky.

But, I’m getting ahead of myself. A short version of the plot is 2 friends leave school to make their way in the world and the story follows these 2 friends.

Becky was easily the most intelligent and brightest character in the book but she uses her wit and charm for evil purposes. Her most notable quote is probably “I think I could be a good woman if I had five thousand a year.”

Amelia, the most sympathetic character in the book, is sweet and timid and believes the best about everyone to her detriment. She falls in love with the wrong man which is the beginning of the end for her in a lot of ways.

There a lot of humorous moments throughout the book. Becky starts out as a governess and there are a lot of humourous moments in that phase of her life. Also, Amelia’s brother, Jos, provides humor throughout the book.

My favorite character is William Dobbin, best friend of Amelia’s fiance, George. He is intelligent and virtuous, and has an impeccable character. His steadfastness is evident throughout and is in contrast to his friend George.

Sunday Surf for week of October 31

I wanted a way to share some of the great stuff I’ve read through the week and support my fellow bloggers. Then I saw that Mamapoekie at Authentic Parenting was already doing that so I’m joining her to bring you Sunday Surf! Enjoy!

8 Nifty Natural Uses for Salt and Chewing Gum–Harmless or Toxic? over at Nature Moms

Does the Santa Legend Endanger Trust? over at The Natural Child Project

Quote of the Day over at Authentic Parenting

My Breastfeeding Relationships: Hospital vs. Homebirth over at Babyfingers

Veggie Might: Easy Veganization over at Cheap Healthy Good

All of The Husband Project  posts over at The Cloth Chronicles

Giveaway: Giggle Junction I Spy Bag $15 {11.30; Worldwide} over at Natural Parents Network

You’re Not the Boss of Me over at Inexplicable Ways