Monthly Archives: June 2011

Exciting News! We’re Moving!

I have some very exciting news to share! A Little Bit of All of It is now at The name of the blog has not changed, just the URL so please change your bookmarks. If you subscribe to the feed in Google Reader or through another service, please update your subscription so you continue to get posts. The feed is now feed:// or you can click on the RSS icon at the top of the blog at

There are also some other new changes that I’m looking forward to sharing with you. The look of the blog has changed for starters. Some new things you may want to check out:

  • You now have the ability to listen to posts.  It’s really simple! Just click on “Listen Now” under the title for a post. You can even download posts into your MP3 player to listen to later. There is also a way to subscribe to posts in iTunes on the sidebar.
  • I will continue to do Sunday Surf posts but it may not be every week. I’ll still be sharing my favorite posts with you though throughout the week on the side bar. This way I can share more and you can check it anytime, not just on Sunday.
  • I have added a page that will have contents soon. “Hall of Fame” will include only the blogs that I have shared 10 or more posts by them in my Sunday Surfs. Once a blog is added to the Hall of Fame, I will do a post on them along with the content of theirs I’ve shared so be on the lookout for that! I know there are a couple blogs that are close to that magic number 10!
  • Recipes is also a fairly new page that I’m working on. It’s a work in progress but feel free to check it out when you need some meal plan ideas!
  • I have added a store where you can find and purchase my favorite products!
  • I’ll be adding a Blogroll soon.
  • I also have a new email:
There are other minor changes and additions here and there that you’ll discover while browsing the blog. I hope they make your reading experience better! Please feel free to let me know of any other changes you would like to see!

Thirsties Duo Wrap Covers: Product Review

When my daughter was around 5 months old, she started having leaks every other night in her cloth pocket diapers and, since we were co-sleeping, that meant I had to keep changing and washing our one set of sheets. That got annoying fast so I asked some other cloth diapering friends for their suggestions on what I could do. They unanimously agreed I needed to try covers and prefolds.

One friend suggested the Thirsties brand and I’m so glad she did. I decided to try out the Duo Wraps to see if they would work for us. The main reason these appealed to me is they were a one size diaper cover. Well, actually, there are 2 sizes (thus the “duo”). The first size (size one) goes from 6-18 lbs and the next size (size two) goes from 18-40 lbs. I liked the fact I wouldn’t need to buy many sizes and could just buy 2.

My daughter in a Thirsties Blackbird Cover

Another feature of the Duo Wraps that I REALLY like is the leg gussets. They are the biggest reason I think we no longer experienced diaper leaks at nightafter switching to these covers. We just make sure the prefold is tucked underneath the gussets (and up top, too) and it works flawlessly to keep wetness in.

The designs are really cute, too. I love the blackbird especially! There are also plain colors in addition to the patterned styles, if you prefer something less flashy.

I wholeheartedly recommend these covers! I have never had a problem with them have been using them at night since my daughter was under 6 months. (She is 27 months now to give you an idea of how long we’ve used them.) I have both snaps and velcro and the velcro is still sticking as well, which is really nice. I’m sure these have a ton of life left in them.

Do you use diaper covers? What are your favorite brands?

Parenting, Christianity and Natural Deodorant – Sunday Surf

homemade deodorant

Image by Liz ( via Flickr

I’m sharing what I’ve read and enjoyed this week. I hope you find something you enjoy below as well!

Recipe: DIY All-Natural Deodorant – “Along my journey towards a simpler, healthier lifestyle, I started coming across articles about health and beauty products that weren’t so healthy for you! So many of them have added chemicals, like aluminum in deodorants, for example.”

Cosmetic Alterations and Children – “When a person consciously chooses to have something done to their body for whatever reason, they are exercising their power over their appearance and that is their right. When someone else makes that decision for them, especially with the absence of medical need, it suddenly becomes questionable.”

AAP Surprises – “Here are a couple things that are not considered mainstream (but should be!) that the AAP, who is supposed to be the mainstream ‘go-to’ (especially for pediatricians) recommends.”

Washing Feet – ” I’m learning, daily, to look for the small and the humble – the quiet and the meek.  The foot-washing moments that point me toward the blessings of laying down self and striving to serve.  In lowering me, He elevates.”

Let’s Un-Process Our Children’s Food – “Although we call them ‘food’, processed foods are not readily recognized by the body.  They are seen as alien matter and our white blood cells will be on attack mode as soon as they enter our system.”

An Answered Prayer – “To not only witness but to be part of such an extraordinary group of families coming together to feed human milk to human babies (MY baby, at that!) makes my heart feel bigger. It has given me a joy I never knew existed.”

How I Stopped Saying No – “When I started researching different parenting methods and started being more mindful about what I say and do to and with my children, I realized that there are many ways to say “No” that are more effective and serve to strengthen the parent/child relationship, not weaken it.”

Facebook: The Scourge of Modern Parenting? – “So you’ll all have to excuse me if I fail to feel phenomenally guilty for my Facebook use. I have enough guilt on my plate already, and I refuse to accept any more.”

Just Not On The Same Page – “If I’m going to truly co-parent and live with the principles of gentle family living, then I’ve got to learn to trust him and let go.”

Reflections on our first year – “While hard to explain – or even justify – to the uninitiated, the steps we’ve taken to build a deep and secure bond with our daughter have transformed us as just much as they’ve helped to ground her. “

Read the Bible Every Day! – “Without daily focused time with the Lord, we will never see the victory and experience the joy in the Christian life that we have been born again to know.”


Check out Adventures in Mommyhood, Authentic Parenting, Becoming Crunchy, Karen’s Healthy Lifestyle,The New Mommy Files: Memories, Milestones and Missteps, Hobo Mama, I Thought I Knew Mama, Mama Eve, Momma Jorje, One Rich Mother, Greener Cleaning Moms, and The Parent Vortex for more Sunday Surfing!

What We’re Talking about on Facebook

Snapper Grill

Image by weanders via Flickr

I love interacting with my Facebook fans! Right now, I’ve got a topic open for you to enter your blog so, if you haven’t already, submit yours so I can keep up with you in my Google Reader. I’ve already read some great posts from my fans. I want to read YOURS next!

Here are some questions I’ve asked my fans and my favorite answers from the last couple weeks:

Q: What’s for dinner tonight?

A: Grilled chicken and pineapple sandwich with fresh basil, corn on the cob and baked parmesan and herb chips. Watermelon for dessert. – From Nancy F.

Q: What’s your favorite summer grilling food?

A: Whole grilled snapper with orange slices and bacon under the ribs to add flavor. – From Josh at Cella’s Sweets

Q: What is your favorite summer dessert?

A:  Strawberry shortcake – From Becoming Crunchy

Q: What are your packing tips?

A: Lots of underwear! – From Amanda at Let’s Take the Metro

Q: What’s everyone reading?

A: Blue Clay People by William Powers. It’s about Liberia. I just finished Jane Eyre! – From Cindy at My Awesome Olive Shoots

Thanks for all those who participated! Come play with us next week!